Where Has All This Crime Come From?

S. H. Comments: Where has all the crime come from? Local government is so corrupt that little notice is taken of the SF residents.
And it’s not just the crime that has become so prevalent in SF, the pride in one’s City is missing from not only the government, but from so many residents as well.
Every time I damage my car on the horrible street decay that has been allowed to multiply ad nauseum, I can imagine my dad rolling over in his grave. He was the Supervisor of Public Works Street Repair. It was not uncommon for him to be called in the middle of the night to get his crew and remove the sand from the Great Highway. He also instituted the “Pot Hole Patrol”, not only to provide work for people in danger of being laid off, but the street conditions were so much better than they are today.
Who is being “paid off” to authorize abolishing street parking. What portion of SF citizens is this helping? Certainly not the small businesses!!! How many people can either walk or take Muni to shop, especially for large purchases? How many people feel safe on what Muni has become?

Hatun Noguera